Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sign the Petition to Ban Private For-Profit Prisons

Sen. Bernie Sanders, a 2016 presidential hopeful, introduced a bill to end private for-profit prisons.

The U.S. incarcerates approximately 1 in 100 adults and holds the highest incarceration rate in the world. Corporations have been profiting from the mass incarceration issue.

This bill, known as the Justice Is Not For Sale Act, will also include a provision to lower the prison population. It will restore the federal parole system that was abolished when “tough-on-crime” legislation was passed in the 1980’s.

Taxpayers are maintaining the world’s highest incarceration rate while corporations are profiting heavily. For-profit corporations participate in lobbying efforts to pass tougher laws and increase incarceration even more.

By signing this petition, you are letting congress know that you stand behind this bill and they should too.

This is an issue near and dear to our hearts here at LEAP. It’s clear that America’s criminal justice system is broken and we must take action to improve it.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why You Should Donate to Give Miami Day

The Miami Foundation's Give Miami Day, on November 19th, is the largest annual giving event in South Florida. Last year, it made history with  $5.2 million in contributions for 520 local non-profit organizations. 

1. Tis the season to give. 

The holidays are just around the corner and is the time of year families gather in the spirit of gratitude and generosity.  Give Miami Day is a meaningful opportunity to get together, and decide as a family to which local charities to contribute. 

2. Giving will make you happier. 

According to a study by researchers Dunn, Akin, Anknin and Norton, people who spend more giving to charities and gifting presents were happier than people who spend more money on themselves. The study also found that randomly assigned groups who gave small amounts of money to others reported to be happier as opposed to other groups that spent that money on themselves and showed no change in happiness. 

3. Set a good example.

It’s easy for kids to confuse the meaning of the holidays when they’re inundated with gifts. Show them the bigger picture; that the holidays are about giving. 

We at LEAP, of course, hope that your family chooses to include us in your giving. We are a small non-profit that makes a big impact on incarcerated women, their families, and the community at large. We couldn't do what we do without the support of people like you!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Congratulations Class 10 LEAP Graduates!

On Sept. 25, 2015, we celebrated LEAP’s 10th graduating class with a ceremony in the chapel of the Dade Correctional Institute.  Family members,  staff and many LEAP friends gathered to honor the hard work and accomplishments of our Class 10 LEAPers, who successfully completed challenging coursework offered  by Barry University, Miami-Dade Community College and others.

As with any graduation, there was lots cheers, tears, food and, of course, speeches.

Graduates Ondrea Moffeo, Elizabeth Erler and Heather Watkins spoke movingly of the troubled pasts and hopeful futures shared by all of the graduates.  LEAP President, Gemma Betancourt,  co-founder Pat Glover, Barry University’s Rose McClung-Professor, and Miami Dade’s Susana Vela spoke glowingly of the Ladies’ hard work and the many people who have come together to support LEAP. 

In closing, Betancourt challenged the graduates with Ghandi’s advice to “be the change you wish to see in the world,” which was followed by cheers from the happy graduates. 

A huge thank-you to those of you who support LEAP.  Because of you, the women of Class 10 have been empowered to successfully transition from prison to society. 

LEAP — Helping Women Leap Successfully from Prison to Community